It’s been a busy year so far for the Weedsport Elementary Student Government Organization. Just in the month of February alone, the ESGO completed a sock drive and donated the collected socks to Auburn’s Rescue Mission, gathered hundreds of non-perishable food items in their ‘Soup’-er Bowl fundraiser, and made sure each student was delivered a candy gram on Valentine’s Day.
“They’re counting things, running errands around the school, bringing things to teachers, answering questions without us there to help them,” explained teacher Danielle Birchard, who leads the ESGO along with Melissa Beerman. “They’ve really just taken on this responsibility, and we couldn’t have accomplished what we’ve done already in such a short time without their help.”
Twelve total students make up the group: two from each 4th grade homeroom and three from each 5th grade homeroom. It’s a big responsibility to represent the entire student body, but all ESGO members agree it’s fun to be a part of.
“We can give our ideas, and they’ll most likely happen,” said Lucy, an ESGO member. “We get to be kind of in charge, it’s like we’re presidents of the school.”
“Now that I joined, I can help people, because a lot of kids in class ask questions about it so I like to answer those questions about ESGO because they want to hopefully try to be a part next year,” added Sadie, when asked why she wanted to become a member.
The students all agree that it is a challenge, and unlike anything they’ve ever done before.
“It’s an exciting opportunity to help the school,” explained Callie, another student-member. “I like doing these cool things, it makes school something to look forward to. Joining was one of the best decisions I have ever made.”
The next event students are planning is an Easter egg hunt, coming up in April.