Virtual art show available to view

Weedsport Central School District is celebrating students through a virtual art show. The show includes work from 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade art classes. It also showcases students’ work from studio art, drawing and painting, ceramics, textiles, and college art. The gallery is featured below, and can also be accessed here.

Voters approve 2021-22 Weedsport budget; approve capital project; elect one board member

On May 18, Weedsport Central School District voters approved the district’s $20,423,622 budget for the 2020-21 school year, with 372 yes votes to 113 no votes, approved a $7.6 million capital project, with 319 yes votes to 165 no votes, elected one Board of Education member, and approved the purchase of one new school bus …

Change to May 10th Board of Education meeting start time

The Board of Education meeting scheduled for Monday, May 10th will begin at 7:30 p.m. instead of its usual 7 p.m. start time. Meetings take place inside the Cafeteria at the Junior-Senior High School.

How to request an absentee ballot

Qualified voters can request an absentee ballot if they will not be able to vote in-person due to illness or physical disability, hospitalization, incarceration (unless incarcerated for a felony), travel outside the voter’s county or city of residence for employment or business reasons, studies, or vacation on the day of election. To vote by absentee …

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