District receives update on village construction as end of school year nears

As construction continues in the village of Weedsport, there will be no large impact to the Jr.-Sr. High School in the final weeks of the school year. Work begins today, May 26th, on building a ramp up to the sidewalk across from the entryway to the high school. Sidewalk work will continue into the first …

Two staff members, one student to receive COSBA awards

Two staff members and one student are receiving recognition at this year’s COSBA (Cayuga-Onondaga School Board Association) Award Ceremony. Joe Graziano will receive the ‘Outstanding High School Teacher’ award, Gary Hurd will receive the ‘Outstanding Support Staff’ award, and Quinn Rudick will receive the ‘COSBA Outstanding Student’ award. Joe Graziano is a math teacher at …

Congratulations to the top ten students of the class of 2022

We would like to congratulate the top ten for the class of 2022 at Weedsport Jr.-Sr. High School. The students are: Madison Stock (Valedictorian, not pictured in group photo), Noah Hickok (Salutatorian), Allison House, Kelsey Jedra, Reilly Montreal, Julie Cook, Sarah Carroll, Quinn Rudick, Madeleine Christopher, and Forest Nguyen. Congratulations, Warriors!

Fitness Center fun facts: more than 1,000 visits logged in March

The Fitness Center at Weedsport Jr.-Sr. High School benefits both the school and the community. Did you know it is visited hundreds of times per-month? Check out some more fun facts below! Since September, 2021, 250 different members have signed into the Fitness Center (269 to be exact).  That does not include PE classes, health …

Journalism students release first WarriorTV episode of the year

Weedsport journalism students are celebrating the release of the first WarriorTV episode of the year.  “I feel relieved now that we finally got something done and we got something together,” explained Nevi Davis, who anchored the first episode. A lot of work goes into planning and putting the show together. The first couple minutes is …

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