Help us in congratulating Andrew Stark, Robert Chirco, Ryan Dates, Lilyanna Komarisky, Jenna Guzzo, Robert Quigley, and Samuel Holden as they have been chosen to represent Weedsport in the American Legion Boys State and Girls State programs.
The programs present opportunities to juniors in high school, and were established to help students learn leadership skills while being in a hands-on environment. Weedsport’s Clark-Heck American Legion Post selects the male participants, and the Cayuga County American Legion Auxiliary selects the female participants.
To be selected, students must qualify academically and be well-rounded people. Students learn how our government functions, and even spend one week at a retreat. Boys spend their week under the supervision of the United States Marine Corps, while girls spend their week under supervision of the American Legion Auxiliary.
Way to represent Weedsport, Warriors!