Bilingual Education and World Languages

The spring 2020 COVID-19 crisis was extremely challenging for all students, but created particular difficulties for our most vulnerable students, including English Language Learners (ELLs)., These challenges exacerbated existing educational inequities, like a lack of access to technology and reliable Wi-Fi needed for remote learning. It is critical that school reopening plans address the special needs of ELLs, and that all communications with ELL students and their families be in their preferred language and mode of communication.

As schools prepare to reopen schools in 2020-21, they must remain mindful of legal requirements and proactively address inequities, including, to the greatest extent feasible, providing support and instruction to all parents/guardians regarding the use of technology in their preferred language of communication. ELLs must be provided with the supports needed to close the potential learning loss that may have been a result of the school closures due to COVID-19.

As schools design their reopening plans, ELLs must be afforded the opportunity for full and equal participation whether it be through an in-person, remote, or hybrid model of instruction. While many ELLs may have benefitted from learning through remote learning platforms, it is important to consider their unique needs and to strengthen the home language and supports necessary for English language development utilizing synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Schools are strongly encouraged to examine resources available on the NYSED Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages website as they develop their plans, as their curriculum is reviewed, as instructional plans are developed, and as educational materials are selected. Districts and schools should contact their Regional Bilingual Education Resource Networks (RBERNs) if they need additional guidance/support during this process.

Qualifying schools that reopen using in-person or hybrid instruction will be required to complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the start of the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2019-20, as well as all students who enroll during summer of 2020 and during the first 20 school days of the 2020-21 school year. After this 20day flexibility period, identification of ELLs must resume for all students within required 10 school days of initial enrollment as required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154.

Provision of required instructional Units of Study must be provided to all ELLs based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level during in-person or hybrid instruction.

Maintain regular communication with the parents/guardians and other family members of ELLs to ensure that they are engaged in their children’s education during the reopening process Provide all communications for parents/guardians of ELLs in their preferred language and mode of communication.

Regarding English Language Learners, the District will follow all processes and requirements outlined in Commissioner’s Regulations part 154. Communication will be available in parent’s preferred language in an effort to maintain communication and the parent’s engagement in their children’s education.