Sept. 11: Athletic Update

Dear Weedsport Families,

Registration for Fall sports is open.

  • Please visit for instructions on how to register.
  • will bring you to the registration page.
  • If your student-athlete had a physical for school during the 2019-2020 school year, they are not required to have a physical for Fall athletics.
  • If you have received a physical, please send it in for future athletic seasons.
  • First day of practice for Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Modified athletics is Sept. 21.
  • Student athletes may not train on campus until Sept. 21 with a coach. 
  • All Weedsport students grade 7-12 can participate in interscholastic sports regardless of learning style for the school year (hybrid or remote learning).
  • New York State has approved competition for Field Hockey and Cross Country.  Game schedules will be determined shortly.  Schedules will be distributed by coaches and appear on the athletic website when finalized.
  • Levels available are
    Field Hockey- Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Modified
    Cross Country- Varsity and Modified
  • Football has been moved by NYSPHSAA to the spring in what will be known as the “Fall Sports II”  season.  The start date for this will be March 1st and registration will take place in February.  If you have already registered and would like to participate in Cross Country, you may switch registration in Family ID. 
  • The traditional Winter sport season will now begin on Nov. 30.
  • The traditional Spring sport season will now begin on April 19. 
  • Modified sports start dates are TBA.
  • A student athlete may participate in Fall sports, Winter sports, Fall sports season II, and spring sports (4 seasons). 
  • Families are responsible to transport athletes who are not participating in in-person classes to practice or to campus to ride a bus for a game.
  • Practices are not open to the general public and will be closed.
  • In accordance with NYSDOH guidance, the school district must limit spectators to no more than two spectators per player. 
  • Sport specific rules and guidelines will be shared with those who register. 
  • Parent information meetings will take place on Thursday, Sept. 17 at the following times in the HS auditorium.
    – Cross Country- 5 p.m.
    – Field Hockey- 6 p.m.
  • Please wear a mask when entering the building and walking to your seat.  Seating should take place in every other seat and every other row unless you are with a family member.
  • A zoom  meeting for those who are not comfortable or unable to attend the parent meeting will take place at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 18, for both Field Hockey and Cross Country.  Please email or myself at for the link.
  • We are still awaiting guidance in some areas, please check the website frequently for updates.  Thank you for your patience.  Go Warriors!