Update from the Superintendent: March 17

March 17, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Good afternoon and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

In my ongoing effort to stay connected to our school community during this time of upheaval and unknown, it is my aim to provide updates on matters which I believe are important to draw to your attention to. Such communication will vary wildly – lengthy, weighty, breezy, consequential, daily, bi-weekly, etc. However, please know that in this looming time of disconnectedness I believe that we must make a concerted effort to network and not lose touch with one another and my outreach through this endeavor hopefully is satisfactory to you on some level.

As we careen into a likely period of self and imposed isolation, I think that we should be mindful of how our children’s social and emotional well-being could be impacted during this time. We have thought about and discussed this subject amongst school officials and would like to share some insight into how we offer support. Please visit our school website www.weedsport.org and click on the link in the COVID-19 banner at the top of the webpage that states: Please see this link for our Updates and Resources Page. Thereafter, on the right under Resources for Parents you will click on the hyperlink of Mental Health/School Counselor Support.

At Weedsport we are fortunate to have such a caring and kind support staff. In my opinion and upon review of the website information, there is concrete evidence of their willingness to provide for the needs of our students. As appropriate, please utilize our service offerings in a time of need. It is strongly encouraged.


Shaun A. O’Connor
Superintendent of Schools