Several definitions and extensive information related to legal requirements resulted in comprehensive changes to the Weedsport Central School District Code of Conduct in recent years. Restructuring of the document occurred that involved the reorganization of some information into tables and charts.
There is also additional content, such as definitions, in the recently adopted Code of Conduct. This document is reviewed annually to ensure compliance with the most recent legal requirements and best practices. As in the past, the middle school and the high school student handbooks, which are distributed at the beginning of the school year, contain excerpts from the Code of Conduct. This information is reviewed with students at each grade level during assemblies and classroom visits held during the first week of the school. Parents are asked to review all of the information in the handbook with their student each school year. It is important for students and parents to review the handbook carefully as it provides information pertinent to all aspects of the school experience.
Expectations for behavior and student dress, as well as academic eligibility and honor rolls, student organizations, and available resources are all addressed, in addition to important dates and much more information that will be useful throughout the school year. The Weedsport Code of Conduct, the district calendar, and the district website, also contain valuable information useful to families and community members. Each student receives a district calendar the first day of school. Copies of the school calendar and the Code of Conduct are available by contacting the school office at 315- 834-6652.