Weedsport Central School District 2025-2026 School Calendar Approved

The 2025-2026 school calendar was approved at last night’s BOE meeting. Next year’s calendar was more challenging than usual due to the timing of holidays. This calendar closely aligns with C-O BOCES, and significant thought went into balancing state requirements, national holidays, appropriate reserve snow days, and quality professional development. Below are a few key highlights.

2025-2026 School Calendar Highlights:

  • Christmas break will again be two weeks long, consistent across the county.
  • There is only one Superintendent’s Conference Day before the start of school. Due to the extended Christmas break, adjustments were necessary to the start and end dates of the school year. The administrative team will prioritize opening day to minimize meeting time and maximize classroom preparation for teachers and staff.
  • Because of the two-week Christmas break, Thanksgiving week will include a full day of school on Monday.
  • Given this winter’s weather challenges, next year’s calendar includes one additional reserve snow day, bringing the total to six.

Click here to view the 2025-2026 Weedsport Central School District Calendar